Chinnor: Start of RTTS Traffic. Lots & lots of traffic. As Rachel {who was running} and myself {who wasn't running, but should have been, but was told not to due to injury} headed north up the M5 and then East along M4, all we could see was traffic. Cars , lorries, caravans, vans. Stop.Start. Stop. The shear volume of motor vehicles - and idiots who think it is their divine right to drive in the middle lane and not on the left. Sorry, had to get that off my chest. This is a blog about Rachel's superb effort at her inaugural 100km Ultra and my inaugural attempts at support crew Five hours after setting off we reached our base camp for the week end, Blackland Lakes Campsite in Calne. Pitched our tents and started last minute preparations for the big day tomorrow. So far so good, except Rachel realised she had forgotten her purse. Too late now, and it's not like she would need it for the run. Plans for a good nights sleep were shattered by several hours of violent and very loud thunder storms and rain. So after only a couple of hours sleep, it was coffee time at 04:00hrs. As this was a 'one way ' race, we had decided that it would be better to stay near the finnish {Avebury}, than the start {Chinnor}. Precise and detailed pre planning had calculated that it would take us 2hrs to get to Chinnor. Plenty of time to park and register. No worries. So off we went at 05.00hrs. Best charge you phone as we drive I said. Oh, no phone [required kit], so a quick return to campsite to retrieve said item. Ok, no worries, plenty of time. It's all in the planning. Motorway was , thankfully, quiet {yet there were still vehicles driving in the middle lane on a virtually empty motorway}. Route was planned with military precision. Half hour to go, turn off motorway, head north to Chinnor. Oooo, something is wrong. This doesn't look right. Let's stop and look at the map. Ah, problem solved. We had been on the M4 and not on the M40, where we should be. Ooops. I wont say whose mistake that was Rachel, OK? Time was now running tight. Don't panic. We can still do this. And so we did. Just. There was a last minute panic as traffic was backed up all through Chinnor, but I guess thats what happens when you arrange the start in a small rural town with no transport links and expect 1600 people to turn up at the same time. So Rachel got out of the car and ran to the start. What's a few more hundred metres when you're about to run 100km? Registration completed. Last toilet break. And relax. We had made it to the start, not just on time- but with time to spare. Now all Rachel had to do was run 100km. The start was late and the safety briefing was inaudible for a lot of us; but at least it wasn't raining yet {the forecast was for major storms}. Last good wishes and then it was off. Good luck! My job for the day was to drive around and meet Rachel at certain places along route, and make sure she was OK. Race to the Stones is an Ultra Marathon along The Ridgeway. One of Englands oldest trade routes, it is over 5000yrs old and stretches from the Dorset to the Norfolk coast. A route as important as this needed to be well defended- and it is. There are several magnificent Hill Forts along its route as well as other important sites, such as the Uffingtom White Horse . The runners and long distance walkers would be following the Ridgeway from Chinnor - Avebury. Our first rendezvous was along the Thames Path, some 20km or so from Chinnor. I had the luxury of driving to South Stoke {and other sites} and ambling along the Thames and its countryside. The runners had to run it! So I ambled and took photo's and ran a bit, cheering along other runners and meeting up with Rachel. We ran some together before reaching the Aladdin's Cave Smorgasboard of the boot of the car. The weather was very , very humid , so I ensured that Rachel drank extra electrolytes. As well as eating plenty of Marmite Cheeses. Food of the Ultra Gods. A little sock faff and that was it. Next stop was in another few hours around the 50km mark. Time for a spot of lunch and chat with other support crew /spectators / family / friends in the sun before a little stroll to meet up with Rachel
again. I came across her near one of the check points [4 or 5?]. She was looking very sprightly. Toes looked a bit odd, I discovered as shoes and socks were changed. Tapped up, Patched up and go. But not before more cheese & electrolytes. The weather so far had been kind. OK, it was humid, but there had been reports of major thunder storms. And just at that point the first rolls of thunder were to be heard. Ho hum. Maybe a little rain would cool everyone down. I didn't say that too loudly in front of any running though. Time for a little sight seeing for me know
One of the next stretches of the Ridgeway contained Uffington White Horse, Uffington Castle and Wayland's Smithy. I was quite excited about this, but just as I arrived at the site of Uffington Castle, The Weather arrived. Temperature dropped, big black clouds, high winds, torrential rain, lightening, thunder and then hail. BIG hail. Large pebbles of ice being thrown out of the sky with some force. Then the sun came out again. I was still in the car, but I did fear for the safety of those runners. Slight delay, but there was still plenty of time -based on previous contact & race pace - to have a wee look around Uffington White Horse and the Hill Fort, before meeting Rachel again. It is easy to see, even now some 3000yrs after it was first constructed, why it was. Sitting on the Ridgeway, it not only guards the trade route [which actually predates the fort], but also holds commanding views. In medieval times, scouring of the neighbouring chalk White Horse was accompanied also by a massive community party in the remains of the hill fort.
A quick circuit of the Hill Fort, a couple of photo's , and back on the Ridgeway. I ran a fair section of this bit, in opposite direction of race, so as not to miss Rachel. Taking in the atmosphere, admiring the views and shouting words of encouragement at the participants. But after a while I began to suspect something was wrong; there was no sighting of Rachel. I had passed all the usual suspects who over the past few hours I had confused by running past them in the opposite direction several times, and knew were running at about the same pace as Rachel, and started to see new faces. I was now worried; she shouldn't be this far back unless something serious had gone wrong, so I decided to stop and get my phone out, to check if there had been any messages. Lo and behold there had. A text from Rachel saying she had just seen the car parked up. This was sent at 19.05hrs. Time now was 19.45hrs. Rachel was now ahead of me. I had one job to do. And I blew it. Whilst having a jolly around Uffington Castle, Rachel had gone past. I hadn't seen her and had set off in the in the opposite direction intending on finding her. Ooops. I'd had a nice time none the less, taking in the views and archaeological sites; even had a nice little run. But that wasn't why I was here. It would be unlikely I would be able to see Rachel again before the end, so I hope she didn't need anything from the car. I did feel bad.
My drive back to Avebury was a slow one, racked with guilt about my failed mission, hoping it hadn't messed up Rachel's race. Parking up at the finish, the sun was just setting. A beautiful sunset over the Wiltshire countryside. I hope the runners appreciated it. As I had missed Rachel in broad daylight, I decided against running back out on the Ridgeway in the dark looking for her. Probably a sensible move, as I would also have been running into oncoming racers and blinding them with my headtorch. After 14hrs on your feet, you really don't need someone shining a torch in your face, however well meaning and accidental.
So I waited in the 'stones' section of RTTS, the one short section of Avebury stone circle that the race covers, cheered in runners, looked at the stars and messed around trying to take some arty photo's. Avebury is an interesting village, springing up amidst one of Europes most spectacular Neolithic stone circles and ancient spiritual landscapes. The stones themselves being largely abandoned, destroyed or buried, either deliberately or through pure neglect, until the Victorian era. Leaning against one of these giant monoliths, head tilted upwards, a glimpse of the MilkyWay, transported back millenia, my inner hippy was awakened. Just why was Avebury built? How bright the sky must have been 1000's years ago! Where's Rachel? Ah there she is. Nearly missed her again!
After over 15hrs of running, Rachel was nearly finished. Less than 2km to go. I ran the last leg with her [and her new Ultra friend whose name I forget, sorry] and there was still life in the legs for a sprint finish. Outstanding. Collect medal. Get results. Sit down. Eat melted ice cream [long story]. All that was left was the short drive back to the campsite.
The day dawned on a new day and realisation that she was now an 'Ultra Runner'. Respect. Returned to Avebury for a touch of sight seeing and a photo opportunity. Wear that medal with pride. You've earned it.
Post race thoughts:
Rachel finished 255th / 594 finishers. Almost 100 DNF. {Full results}. That's pretty damn good in for a first 100km. She enjoyed the route and said the official support and pit stops along the way were great. Special mention she said should go to the crew at pit stop 6, who rescued many a runner from the hail stones, held the tent down AND still served hot drinks.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Snippets from the Sidelines: A support crew views of Race to the Stones
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Musings of a Wannabe Ultra Runner: Half time report
It's week 8 / 16 of my Ultra training programme. Half way there. Race to The Stones on July 19th is D-Day. Eight weeks to go. I am, as they say, entering the 'business end' of the training now. If it didn't seem real before, it certainly did now. It all suddenly became very real this week end. Do I have what it takes to make the transition from marathon runner to ultra runner? I guess I will find out over the next 8 weeks. Why did it hit home this week? I think the turning point was Imerys trail marathon. It was 'only' 26.2 miles, yet it was tough and it hurt. Race to the Stones is twice that and then another half on top. Then there is the Roseland August Trail, {August 16th}, which although the same distance {100km / 62.2miles}, I have a feeling may be tougher. And I barely finished 26.2 miles! I hurt, yet I rested. I saw a chiropodist , who mended my feet and was back out Friday for a 5.5hr run, only five days after Imerys. It was during this run that I began to fully appreciate the effort that was now required. A moment of clarity, if you want.
It had all seemed 'do able' up until now. A few hours run her, a few hours run was mostly enjoyable. But from now on, there would be no resting up. A marathon would become a regular weekly training run. Then get up the next day and do it all over again. Towards the end of this run though, I also began to realise that maybe I could do this ultra thing after all! The weather was good. The country hedgerows, glorious in full bloom of blue bells, cowparsley and pink campeon. The views North - East - South - West were a soothing panacea to my tired limbs. My mind wandered and the end result is a few other musings from this week ends efforts:
It had all seemed 'do able' up until now. A few hours run her, a few hours run was mostly enjoyable. But from now on, there would be no resting up. A marathon would become a regular weekly training run. Then get up the next day and do it all over again. Towards the end of this run though, I also began to realise that maybe I could do this ultra thing after all! The weather was good. The country hedgerows, glorious in full bloom of blue bells, cowparsley and pink campeon. The views North - East - South - West were a soothing panacea to my tired limbs. My mind wandered and the end result is a few other musings from this week ends efforts:
- Use of barrier cream is essential: apply liberally to all essential areas, then apply more. And then take some with you just in case.
- Take time to stop and admire the scenery. If only to take a photo and post on facebook so you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
- Taking in the views whilst running is recommended- but do keep half an eye at least on the ground & where you are going. Or you may fall over. Or run into something. Or not notice the path has changed direction when you are running in straight line.
- Singing 'pain is an illusion, pain is a dream' to the tune of the Buzzcocks 'Everybody's Happy Nowdays' doesn't actually make the pain any less real, but it does take your mind off things for a while.
- When passing through a field, if you see a cow smelling another cows bottom, this is natural and nothing to be afraid of. If you then notice this cow is larger than the others, is different colour, has no udder and is sporting a very large ring in its nose, then it is not a cow. It is infact a bull. Probably best to leave said field quickly.
- A 5.5hr training run, may only be a training run- but it is still a 5.5hr run. Prepare properly and treat it with the respect that it it deserves. Or it will make you suffer.
- Chafing occurs on training runs as well as in races.
- What is the best post run treat; beer, pizza or cake?
- If all else fails. Smile. You are, after all, doing this for fun, right?!
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Imerys Trail Marathon 2014: Cornwall's answer to Marathon des Sables!
The weather all week had been hot. Very hot. The sun had been shining, winter layers of 'Gortex' had been shed and people were down to single layers of clothing. As Sunday drew closer, I actually found myself in the strange position of wanting the weather cool down. Maybe a light shower on Sunday, please. A 26.2 run around a hilly Cornish china clay pit would be tough anyway; in baking hot sun shine it would be worse. As Sunday dawned, a colony of BATs set out from their roostings on the Bere Peninsula and swarmed across the boarder to Cornwall. At first light it seemed as if the weather would be kind to us, as it was cool, damp and a bit misty. Perfect running weather.
As we all congregated at Cornwall College , St Austell [race HQ], the tension was mounting- as were the nerves. The cool wind was still blowing off the sea and sky still cloudy. As I burn at the first hint of sun, I covered myself in sun cream anyway, just as a precaution. Took my new desert hat as well. English weather is known for its changeability and unpredictability; but we were in Cornwall, and Cornish weather has its own protected minority status!
The Imerys Trail Marathon offers a unique experience to runners. For one day the land of Cornwall’s China Clay Industry are open to the public and the operational working sites along with land which has been regenerated from the industrial past provides a challenging and spectacular course. With only short sections of road, this multi terrain route takes runners on sand roads which will leaves them thinking they have been on the moon! Together with private farm land and picturesque tracks and trails, the course also offers stunning vistas of Cornwall’s countryside and coastline at its very best.
I had never run this event before, only read race reports, and descriptions were full of phrases such as 'moonscape' , toughest race yet' , 'hilly' and 'scenic'. All said it was friendly and well organised. I was just about to find out for myself. Five BATs were running the full; nine were running the half. We were ready. Altogether 284 taking part on a course which offered no shade. The split between the two distances was 110 for the marathon and 174 for the half
10.00hrs, and the race began. Twice round the college grounds 'to thin the runners out' apparently, before heading up our first hill. As if on some sadistic cue, the sun also burnt its was through the morning cloud and the temperature began to rise.
Within the first two miles, it was hot. China clay is white. The mine scape is exposed. There is no shade. The heat was reflected back off the surface. The temperature was increasing with every step. I was feeling very glad of my suncream and hat, despite all the comments my headgear received about the French Foreign Legion. I would be running in this heat for the next 3 - 4hrs at least.
Oh dear. The scenery was, as promised, quite spectacular. It was a surreal, artificial landscape. Nothing in it was natural. It was a landscape hewn by dynamite and very large machinery. Yet it was undeniably dramatic and stunning. A bizarre, hot, alien- esque scenery. And I, along with a hardy / foolish bunch of other runners, was running around it. Over the hottest part of the day.
My sense of direction is usually pretty good, but I'm sure we were running around in circles! Maybe it was the sun. Maybe it was the pain. Maybe we really were. But we did pass at least 3 drink stations twice, that I am sure of. In this heat I was very glad of the drink stations and the friendly faces that greeted us there. Unusually, I hadn't looked at the course profile or route prior to the event. If I had, maybe I would have had a better idea of where I was going!
As the temperatures sored, I kept thinking this is what it would be like if Cornwall did the Marathon des Sables. I had the headwear anyway.
It was advertised as being a tough course, and it was. The heat added its own set of challenges. By the end, it was a matter of slogging it out. Finish it, I would! Of the nine BATs who took part in the half marathon, Philip King was making his distance debut and finished in a great time. Mike Smith was the first man home with Pam Adams and Heather Smith running together to be the first ladies home, (the Imerys marked the 30th half marathon for Pam). It was PB of 30mns by Hillary as well.
For the marathon, I was the first BAT home with Rachel Wood and Dotty King being the first ladies. Rachel and Fran Morgan were making their marathon debut. Although Rachel had actually run an Ultra [Dartmoor Discovery] previously.
Team Bat Imerys 2014 are pictured with their times. Half marathon: Mike Smith 01.58.29, Dave Adams 02.02.03, Philip King 02.06.24, Grant Lawrence 02.17.00, Martin Head 02.19.58, Pam Adams 02.28.59, Heather Smith 02.28.59, Sarah Cohen 02.32.37 and Hilary Head 03.24.35.
Full marathon: Murray Turner 04.15.52, Paul Mingo 04.59.56, Rachel Wood 05.19.59, Dotty King 05.19.59 and Fran Morgan 05.32.42.
Full results here.
It was a hard & hilly course, but well organised and friendly event. Marshalls of all ages were fantastic and the massage at the finish was very welcome for my hot & tired limbs. And any finishing goody bag with a bottle of 'Tribute' beer is an excellent goody bag.
Thank you to St Austell Running Club for all the hard work. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if my feet didn't.
A special mention to Paul Mingo who took most of the photo's, the official photographers who Took the one of me in full stride with desert hat and to Dotty King, who is not only our head coach, but from whom I shamelessly plagiarised bits of this race report.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Brighton Marathon: Sunday 6th April
Brighton Marathon was my first big target race of the year and I was very excited and very nervous in equal measures. My training schedule since December 2013 had been geared to this race and I was hoping for a good time. Apart from a few scares over my ankle, my training had gone pretty much to plan, but that didn’t seem to reduce my anxieties. Nor the nagging doubt; was I was as fit as I thought I was? All week I had a knot in tummy, which got tighter and tighter as the race day got closer. The gels and supplements had been ordered and my legs had been given clean bill of health from Nathan. But first we had to get to Brighton and that turned out to be quite stressful - but not as stressful as the journey home turned out to be. More about that later.
Friday: After days of packing, unpacking, checking, re-packing, angsting, it was time to depart Devon for East Sussex. The journey to the Brighton Marathon had begun. It started reassuringly uneventfully, until we got to about to about Taunton on the M5, when we hit heavy traffic, and things didn’t get much better until we got to Northiam in East Sussex some 8.5hrs later. It was, apart from a brief reprieve on the M4, solid traffic, with the M25 especially living up to it’s reputation as the worlds largest car park. However, as we approached our friends Katie & Neils house in Northiam, crossing over the River Rother, from Kent into East Sussex, the stress of the journey dissipated. Following a brief hello, it was time for a run. Neil understood- he was running Brighton as well and had been kind enough to collect my race number. It wasn't a long run, just enough to stretch out the legs, but as I headed out into the E. Sussex countryside, everything seemed all right with the world once more.
As well as kindly collecting my race number & pack, Neil had also been slaving over a hot stove cooking dinner. A curry feast, consisting of Dahl, Aloo Gobi, Chana Korma, rice and bread. Carbo-loading was in full swing. A tough part of training eating lots of food, but a necessary part and after returning from my run, I was refreshed and ready to eat, and eat I did!
Saturday: A day of rest. Oh, and eating. Rest & eat. That's all I had planed on doing. My kit was laid out, race number was pinned proudly on my BATs vest, gels sorted and photo's had been taken and put up on Facebook to validate the whole experience!
As the day wore on, my nerves increased and as they did, my gut reacted. All I will say is that a lot of trips were made to the toilet. I tried to relax, but couldn't, so took the dogs for a walk. Georgie decided the E. Sussex countryside was too scary, and went back to the house, so I carried on with just Daisy, Katie & Neil's Labrador, who was a proper dog and enjoyed being outside. She was a little upset about the shortness of our outing, but still showed her appreciation as only labs can. The weather was checked and re checked when we got back, so final kit alterations could be made. All forecasts pointed to a very wet day, with strong gusty winds, so I panicked a bit and went for a short sleeved base layer and gloves. Stop panicking. Keep calm. It will be all right. Any way, dinner was ready. Katie had made a tasty roasted vegetable lasagne, which I ate a lot of. Pasta, a long distance runners friend. After that I was sure my glycogen were fully stocked. A near perfect rest day was spoiled slightly as Georgie misbehaved and tried to eat the cat, but timely interventions thankfully prevented any feline injury. Bad dog.
Sunday. 06.45hrs. A deep sleep was shattered by by alarm. It was race day. A hasty, yet hearty, breakfast of a large bowl of home made muesli, yoghurt & honey and strong coffee was consumed before jumping in the car for the hours drive to Brighton. The weather forecast was correct; the weather was wet & misty. Neil kindly drove, so I ate and nattered, nervously. Further pre race nutritional intake was a banana and a High5 energy drink. As we approached Brighton, the weather improved. All that was left [apart from run!] was to park up, get bus into town and meet up with other BATs for team picture.
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Simon, Johny, Pam, Dave, Me! |
By now, I was fairy bouncing. Adrenaline, excitement and caffeine is a heady mix! Into the starting pens, squash up, starting gun, then we're off. High five Paula Radcliffe on way past and run. Except it was stop / start for the first few miles, before I could get into a steady rhythm. Dave Adams, a fellow BAT, had agreed to buddy up and pace me for good time. We had our race strategy planed out; it was 6 gel race. One for every 4miles. Contrary to popular opinion, not all of all my gels were caffeine infused. Ok, 3 were; but 3 weren't! I had a mixture of High5 Isotonic and caffeine and SIS electrolyte and caffeine. I also had a sneaky little SIS bar stashed away for when the going got tough.
This was my first proper marathon distance race and first mass participation run, and I was very impressed with the crowds. They really do make a difference and give for an altogether louder and more surreal experience than a quite and lonely wind swept Dartmoor, where the majority of my training took place. I was out for a good race time, but I also wanted to enjoy the experience. Little kids had arms outstretched, waiting for high-fives, and I didn't want to disappoint. I doubt I lost much time, but it seemed to make them happy. The route was predominantly through the centre of town, passed a few major landmarks such as the Pavilion and then out and along the seafront and back, with a few twists and loops inland. There were a few slight undulations, but no hills to speak of. The weather was good. The rain didn't make an appearance after 09.00hrs and the wind was gentle, certainly not gusting at 30mph. To be honest I was glad, but I was overheating slightly in my gloves.
Routine of gel taking was working well and it also helped break down the race into bite size chunks of 4miles. Dave was an excellent run buddy, far more experienced than me and I was learning a lot about race tactics from him. We passed the half marathon mark at 1:47hrs, a tad slower than our target time, but nothing to panic about. Besides, my legs were starting to hurt. The next 6miles were the toughest of the race, physically and mentally. My right leg threatened to cramp on several occasions and the balls of my feet were sore. Dave saw me through this. Despite the increased tiredness, our pace was relatively stable; we weren't just continuing to move forward, we were actually overtaking tired runners. That felt good. I kept saying to myself that pain is an illusion. But it still felt very real. As we did the final switch back and started to head back along the last few miles to the finish, I realised I could do this and do it well. Everytime during the past 25 miles I had asked my legs for more, they had given me more and best of all they kindly didn't cramp when I asked them not too. At this point the euphoria and adrenaline took over and I found the energy for a sprint finish. I willed Dave on, but he couldn't. Taken in by the whole atmosphere, I kicked again and went for the line. Sorry Dave.
It was a fantastic experience running through a wall of sound to the finish. I had done it and although I knew I hadn't quite got under 3:30hrs, I wasn't far off. I cheered Dave over the line, only slightly behind, and we collected our medals together, big smiles on our faces. Exhausted, but elated.
Time to collect bags, get changed, eat pizza and drink beer!
There was free Gatorade Recovery Drink, which I decided to try. It was disgusting. Don't try this at home, or anywhere else for that matter. Horrid stuff.
My brother had been following me on live text and let me know my time; 3:35hrs. Not too shabby!
Other BATs times: Dave Adams 3:36. 37 ; Pam Adams 4:26.34 ; Simon Griffiths 4:38.12.
Significant others: Neil Baker 4:27.32 ; Marcus McTurk 4:13.23
The sun even tried to make an appearance as we made our way to the beach and our meeting point. Post race photo, beer, Pizza and catch up was had; then it was time for home.
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Cheers! |
Once back at Katie & Neil's , a celebratory meal and drink was in order, with more race talk. Before sleep beckoned.
Monday: Woke up with slightly stiff legs, but still elated. Said our goodbyes and left. After the journey up, was hoping for an easier journey back to Devon. Wrong. M25 was still bunged up. We crawled along. Stop. Start. Stop. Stop. Start. Then our exhaust fell off. Then it rained. Several hours later we left a garage in Leatherhead with a new exhaust system. Avoiding motorways, we headed West, to Glastonbury to stay with a friend. The journey, was, thankfully, uneventful, and as we approached Glastonbury, the sun came out.
Thank you to Dave Adams for support during the marathon, Katie & Neil for their hospitality in East Sussex and Marcelle for her hospitality in Glastonbury.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Neal's Yard Remedies: Product Review
Lotions, Potions and Creams:
How to sooth sore limbs
Tracey and Orla have been very keen for me to try products from NYR that will aid and smooth my tired limbs through my long winter nights of training. Normally, I'm not one for too many creams, but I was willing to give them a go, my legs after all were tired.
Arnica Salve
Arnica was the first product that was given to me to try. Apparently it 'supports a hard worked body'; just what I needed. Within days of getting this I was laid up for 3 weeks due to a sore ankle [see Things I have Learnt this month]. Not able to use on my sore and tired muscles (due to the fact I had no sore and tired limbs as I wasn't running!), I could at least rub it on my sore ankle.
Sports muscle rubs is a big market, with varying degrees of claims made by the manufacturers for the effectiveness of their products, but few, I am willing to bet, are as lovely smelling as Arnica. It smells almost good enough to eat. I didn't, as I'm sure it tastes disgusting, but it does feel very good rubbed into your skin. Daily I rubbed it into my ankle, along with using a heat wrap, and it worked rather well. Within weeks, I was up and running again at The Grizzy , and Arnica played a part in that I'm sure. I used it again yesterday after my 12hr walk on Dartmoor and my leg muscles didn't hurt as much this morning as they did last night. Did arnica cure me? I doubt it, but on these occasions arnica certainly didn't harm the healing process, but it was soothing and I'm sure it was beneficial to my aching muscles. It smells nice, it feels nice, it's organic, it doesn't leave any greasy stains and as part of an all round pampering for sore muscles, why not?
Comfrey & Mallow Foot Balm
For several months Orla had been questioning why I don't look after my feet. I have books on training for ultra's , nutrition for ultra's, footwear for ultra's, technical clothing, I have sports massages, go to yoga, stretch; but do not look after my feet. Phh, I thought, what does she know. Truth is, who talks about their feet. I couldn't remember reading an article on feet in any of my magazines. Foot care - even for runners- is not high on the list of things we talk about.
Then Orla gave me this foot cream. It 'revitalises tired and overworked feet', it says. Ok, I'll do some foot research. I am planning on running a couple of marathons and a few ultra's this year after all, so I will be spending a lot of time on my feet. And that's when I discovered John Vonhof and his foot obsession. His book and website are both called Fixing your feet. I now have the book and my foot fetish is developing nicely.
Orla was right. I wasn't taking care of my feet, and apparently neither are many other active people. We have expensive kit, we obsess over said kit, research nutrition, test trainers and, well, everything else; except feet. Yet in-spite of the months of training, a small - often preventable- foot problem can ruin your race. So by buying my NYR foot balm [from Tracey ], Orla made the biggest contribution to my training regime yet. Hard skin and callouses are out, foot care and soft skin is in. What better way to care for your feet than NYR comfrey and mallow foot balm. It has a hint of marshmallow, is soft and silky on the foot, it feels divine and works on even the harshest of skin. So don't delay, buy some today; it may just save your race season!
Ginger & Juniper Warming Oil
A recent addition to my stock, this warming oil was a birthday present from Orla, bought, I suspect, from our friend Tracey at NYR. I have only used it once, but am satisfied it will be used many more times to come! After my long walk on Dartmoor yesterday, I rubbed arnica into my legs and foot cream on my feet. This morning, I felt better and decided to try the warming oil on my legs. Warning: Be careful when you pour this. The lip of the bottle is small, but still big enough for a lot of oil to come out if you are not careful. Thankfully, I was, but it has the potential to be very messy. I considered this warming oil to be a better option for massaging whole legs / larger areas than the arnica. It goes further and is easier to apply; I also feel that this warming oil is more effective on sore and tired legs. I would recommend using the arnica for smaller aches and pains and warming oil on larger areas. I feel this will oil will be used quite frequently.
As I said earlier, I didn't tend to use lotions & potions that much. But after trying the above, and as part of a programme yoga & stretching, I will now. I'm sure my tired feet and legs will thank me for it.
Thank you, once again, to Tracey at NYR for supplying the above products.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
The Dark
The Dark: 13 Mud Crew Miles
The year of silly just got sillier:
Running at night in tights, tutu and fairy wings is surprisingly liberating!!
Mud Crew don't do easy. So a trail run, at night, in fancy dress, with beer, to celebrate a friends birthday was an opportunity not be missed. The Dark is , according to the official blurb, "a 13 mile race by head torch, through Cardinham Woods, following the infamous Beast of Bodmin mountain bike trails. This is a spectacular undulating course that takes runners through the depths of the woods". Add beer and fancy dress, what could possible go wrong?!!
I had been planning my outfit for a while, however I wasn't entirely sure what the finished article would look like. Psychotic -psychedelic- tutu- totting -fairy anyone? I decided that gold wings would look better [of course!] so purchased some glitter gold spray paint, but didn't get around to colouring them prior to the event. Note to self: spray painting fairy wings only an hour before running in them is not a good idea. I was followed around the course by a very strong smell of solvent. Very strong.
Being a birthday, cake and beer was needed. So BATs, in full fancy dress, headed to the bar. Fairy in a tutu was joined by a Were Chicken [with squeaky beak], a Badger [with glow sticks], Batman [far too serious], 2 Bat Women [Good look girls!] and a genuine vampire bat [with fluorescent fangs]. Ken the Werewolf Hunter [nice fishnets!] also muscled in to the fun.
Pre Race Nutrition |
Badger helps BatWomen1 light candles |
Birthday Vampire Bat cuts cake with help from Were Wolf Hunter |
Beer & energy gel consumed. Check. Team photo. Check. Costume all in order. Check. Sing Happy Birthday to Sarah. Check. Let's run!
At the Start! |
Our costumes did not go un-noticed; Of a field of 300 or so runners, I believe there was only one other runner in fancy dress. So we stood out a bit, despite the fact it was dark. It was time now to stop posing and get running. And oh what fun we had. River crossings (x3!) , up & down and around and up some more. Zig-zagging and looping round the Cornish hillsides. Through the woods a dazzling line of torches weaved & bobbed there way through the countryside. Twice. Some of the technical sections of the trails were as exhilarating on foot as I imagine them to be on a MTB- and almost as fast. There was a stunning section of open hillside with sweeping switchbacks and jumps, aptly nick-named by Vamp-bat as the human roller coaster section. I have to admit this bit was fun, hurtling down hill, screaming like a banshee, taking off, no idea where you would land lurching left, then right round corners, all the time the wind blowing up my tutu! Running at night in tights, tutu and fairy wings is surprisingly liberating. As much as possible, we stayed as a group for the first lap. Apart from the Irish Werewolf hunter and Batman. They ran off into the dark woods together!
It really was dark! |
Bat Wings |
I was really enjoying the run. OK, it was slightly bonkers and our pace wasn't that great, but the conversation & company certainly were interesting. Vamp-bat was overheard having a very detailed chat about the relative culinary merits of different species of road kill, there was debate about who would win in a contest between Count Duckula & WereChicken as well as much musings on the topic of what the offspring between a badger and a bat would be like - or a werewolf hunter and batman! I have been reliably informed since, that a random fellow [non fancy dress] runner was upset by our varied topics of conversations. I don't why. Maybe he swallowed a fly? Maybe it was because we were all in fancy dress, having fun, had enough energy to talk and run, yet were still in front of him. Who knows. Running should be fun- even when it hurts. We do it because we enjoy it, don't we?
The marshals were many and friendly, and most commented on our outfits [especially my tutu & wings for some reason!] There were surprises to be had in the woods, with zombies, Blair Witches, a haunting Clanad style music drifting through the woods and general all round spooky shenanigans laid on by The Mud Crew. Or at least I hope they were. But then we were in Cornwall, so who knows!
After 3hrs of sweaty joviality and frivolity, we had achieved a half marathon P.W [personal worse]. In fact Sarah, AKA Vamp Bat, runs Marathons in that time, [and also wins Ultra's for Mud Crew] but it was her birthday and she ran with her parent group, Bere Alston Trekkers. And had lots of fun. We salute you Sarah. Even in fancy dress you would have {probably} won this event, but you dressed up, drank beer and ran with us. We enjoyed your company; hope you enjoyed ours as much.
Beer was very much on my mind as we finished, so it was straight to the bar. Pint for the fairy, pint for the Vamp Bat [WereChicken doesn't drink and we had lost the others on lap two!] Then it was time for a quick change, into something warmer and more comfortable and back for hot food. The veggie chilli was most delicious and most welcome. The beer was also welcome, but if there was one criticism of this event , it was the beer. Kernov Lager is well, a lager. Albeit be a fairly good one. But it is not an Ale. Proper Job? That's a Cornish Ale is it not? Anyway, a minor detail to a very well organised, extremely well marshalled and an all round fun event to run. BATs served there civic duty by taking in a stray Muskie Wereworlf Hunter, whose "friend" had driven off with his bag [clean clothes, money, phone etc..] We took pity on him and cared for him.
By 23.30hrs, the evening was winding down. I was almost falling asleep in my beer. Thank you to Rachel for driving. Up the lane we went, turn left at roundabout onto A38. Except we couldn't. Roadworks. Diversion. That went nowhere. We were trapped in Cornwall. They wouldn't let us back into Devon. There were no signs and we were on our own. Hi tech Sat-Nav was going into meltdown as it wanted us to to go back the way we came. So we turned it off and allowed a Werewolf Hunter in fishnets to guide us through the wild and unlit Cornish countryside to get back home. And get home we did [thanks Ken]. Shattered, but happy. A lot of fun was had but it was now time for bed. Thank you all at Mud Crew and my fellow fancy dress BATs for a great evening. Can't wait for next years event. But better beer next year please!
[L-R] Batwomen2, Badger, Vamp bat, Werechicken, Batwomen1 |
Monday, 10 March 2014
The Grizzly 2014: Withering Heights (Featuring Heath and Cliff!)
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Sunshine in Seaton See that cliff; We ran up that! |
The Grizzly
It's March, therefore it must be Grizzly Time. The sun was shining and BATs were out in force. We were ready. We were psyched. Let's do this! Except I wasn't sure I was ready. I had been suffering [or at least everyone else had been suffering from me not running!] from a recurrence of of an old injury. I had been sidelined for a few weeks and although I had been told by Alen Sparrow I could run, I was nervous. I knew I could do the distance, as I had been doing 20+miles in training throughout January; I was nervous about how my ankle would hold up. Would I be OK or would my race year be over? If my ankle hadn't healed and I hobbled out of the Grizzly, it would need several weeks, if not months, more rest. I would miss Brighton Marathon and then would probably not have enough time to get miles in my legs for Race to the Stones. My mind was racing with all of these thoughts come race day morning and I babbled nervously and continuously in the car on the journey to Seaton. Sorry Rachel. But I had done all I could. I was rested, I
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Arnica Salve Neil's Yard Organics |
had stretched my ankle, I had a few sports massages from Nathan at Kinetic Sports Therapy in Bere Alston and I had been using Arnica, supplied by the lovely Tracey from her holistic consultancy business in Teignmouth. All that was left now was to run on it!
Right, where were we? Seaton. Race day. And a colony of BATs. Our beloved coach and purveyor of fine
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Selfie in Seaton |
cakes, Dotty King , had arranged for us to meet in the same place we always do. Spirits were high, the sun was shining and I had made some rather delicious fruit & nut fudge ,which went down a treat. Once photo'd and fed, 'twas time to head for the sea front for the start. There were thousands of runners at the start, both for the Cub and the full Grizzly. A traditional rousing speech was given by the town crier and then we were off.
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Nervous smile at the start |
Shingle. That's all I can say. After a quick warm up along the shingle beach, it was a loop along the promenade and then up the first hill of many, many, many hills on route. Did I mention the hills? There was lots of running [or walking!] up hills. And down hills. And along beaches, through rivers, bogs, muddy fields and muddy hills. I'm not sure where we went, as I didn't track it or map it- but we did pass through Beer and Branscombe. The weather was great, the mud was deep [very deep; thigh deep!] and the shingle beach an energy sapper like no other. The marshals were, as always, friendly, helpful and encouraging. That's why we love the Grizzly.
I started the race slow, towards the back of the field and kept a steady pace. Walking up some of the earlier hills was not so much a race strategy as a necessity, due to the vast numbers of people on small narrow lanes. But today I didn't mind. By the time we hit the second stretch of beach and the obligatory river feature, I was warming to this run; quite literally really as the weather was hotting up. Bruce {a Greyhound} was there with his BATs vest, cheering us on, with his humans, Heather & Mike. But they didn't have cake this year. Oh well.
By about mile 7 I was feeling good. Very good. My ankle was not causing me pain. I decided I could do this, so I sped up. I started to overtake people. I stopped worrying. Well, stopped worrying about my ankle. I thought I was getting blisters. I wasn't- but I was breaking the cardinal sin of racing by wearing new trail shoes, so I kept worrying that I might get blisters!
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New Shoes Very Good in the Mud! |
But I was beginning to enjoy this. Sure, it was wet & muddy underfoot, the hills were steep, my lungs were bursting and my thighs were aching; but I was feeling strong. The weather was good, the scenery spectacular, the marshals splendid and my fellow runners were an amicable bunch. I was genuinely surprised to catch Ken, a BAT, who thinks he is a Muskie [sorry, in joke], as he has been in such fine form this year having already run both the Anglesey Coastal Marathon, the South Devon Coastal Marathon {both raced in atrocious stormy weather} and the mud of the Steyning Stinger Marathon. But he was wearing his 'other' club vest and not a BATs vest, so I had no qualms about passing him.
So we battled through bogs, thigh deep in mud, worried we might drown and never be seen again until next March, perfectly preserved. But dead. Slightly melodramatic, but the mud was deep and extra slushy this year. Just how I like it. The haunting melodies from the piper at the edge of dawn could be heard, his tuneful bagpipes rebounding around the hills and valleys, keeping our spirits alive. Last rites were said at the Buddhist temple. A few more ups and downs and then it was back into civilisation with cheering crowds. Sorry Ruth, I was in the zone by then. I was focused, I was hurting. I didn't see you. Shame on me.
The beach. Oh the beach. The shingle beach. Oh how I love thee. After 16 gruelling miles, a few hundred metres along a shingle beach is just what I was looking forward to. I was hurting so much , that I was actually relieved to reach the Stairway to Heaven, a welcome reprieve to the shingle torment. Albeit an almost vertical climb up a cliff. But the end was nigh. It was only a few miles to the finish. I stopped at the top of the cliff to have a gel and admire the view. Simply stunning.
Back to the task in hand. A race. The finish was, quite literally, in sight. Only a few more miles. I could do this. But then I got cramp in my right foot. Never had cramp in a race before. It hurts. A shooting pain up my leg every time I put my foot down. I thought I would fall at every step. I gritted my teeth. I swore [silently as there were children about] and carried on. As I came down the last hill and along the promenade once more, the pain disappeared. The raucous crowd welcomed us runners in, and I sprinted for the line. BATs were massing at the finish and a rousing cheer was a very welcome end to the pain.
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Grizzly 2014 T-Shirt |
Water, a banana, a finishing T-Shirt and then a dip in the sea to wash off the mud and cool down, and it was time to slip into something more comfortable. Full results here. BATs, overall , were fab. But that goes without saying. I had a 9mns P.B and was 100 places better placed from when I last ran the Grizzly in 2012. RESULT. Best of all for me though, was not the result, but the fact my ankle was OK. I can run again. Now that really made me happy.
BATs results are as follows:
BATs results are as follows:
Nathan Newton 03.10.22
Paul Williams 03.33.38
Steve Watson 03.33.41
Murray Turrner 03.40.07
Francis Dix 03.51.19
Tracey Oxborough 04.01.38
Derek Hicks 04.15.09
Matt Luckham 04.21.55
Emma James 04.32.51
Rachel Wood 04.48.04
Dotty King 04.48.06
Julian Setterington 04.48.56
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BATs @ Finish |
Philip King 01.34.42
Toby Rankin 01.44.15
Grant Lawrence 01.44.36
Frances Morgan 02.00.16
Emma Dooney 02.15.12
Melanie Greaves 02.15.15
Donna Luckham 02.15.44
Paula Lawrence 02.15.47
Alysia Maciejowska 02.15.50
Hilary Head 02.41.24
Martin Head 02.41.59
Congratulations to Nathan for being 1st BAT home in the Grizzly and to Phil for leading the Cubs home. A special well done mention to our very own Sarah Morwood [albeit running for her sponsors, Mud Crew] was third women home overall. To be fair, the distance was a bit short for her!
Following a rather excellent day out in the sun [and mud / shingle / hills / valleys / bogs] of the South Devon Coast, after the last BAT was safely home, there was only one thing left to do- and that was to go to the pub!
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BATs in the Pub |
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BATs in the Pub |
A Big thank you to Axe Valley Runners for , yet again, putting on a fantastic event.
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